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Department of Foreign-related Legal Affairs

Published: 2023-11-17
Views: 20

Zhuojian’s Foreign Affairs Legal Affairs Department  brings together a group of professional lawyers proficient in Chinese laws and regulations, well-versed in various foreign-related legal fields, and have a background of studying or working abroad, forming the Foreign Affairs Legal Professional Committee. The lawyers of Foreign Affairs Legal Professional Committee have successfully provided legal services for Chinese and foreign companies in various industries. It assists clients in understanding the current legal systems in many countries in the world as well as in China, choosing suitable investment methods, organizational forms and market entry strategies for clients. The Committee also creates, reviews, and modifies legal documents in both Chinese language and foreign languages, seeks reliable overseas cooperation lawyers on behalf of clients, and provides solutions for clients in foreign legal disputes. The major service areas of the Foreign Legal Professional Committee are as follows:

International Trade: Legal services in traditional international trade areas, involving contracts, transportation, customs, product quality, etc. This also includes the production, review, and modification of legal documents in both Chinese and foreign languages.

International Economic Cooperation: Overseas Direct Investment (ODI); Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); including the preliminary industry policy collection and research, legal consultation, country-specific investment environment assessment, initial due diligence, document drafting and auditing , Sino-foreign enterprise cooperation negotiation, business negotiation, project negotiation assistance, and host country approval and  registration services for the direct investment such of  foreign entities in China, and the establishment of joint ventures, sole proprietorships and other direct investment of domestic entities out of the country.

Mergers and Acquisitions & Financing:  Legal services for cross-border mergers and acquisitions where one of the parties to the mergers and acquisitions is a foreign investor background to carry out mergers and acquisitions in China, as well as for the legal services for the Chinese entities to carry out the same kind of business abroad;

Intellectual Property: Promotion of cross-border cooperation in trademarks, patents, copyrights, film & television and sports.

Foreign-related Dispute Resolution: argumentation, negotiation planning and assistance, mediation, international arbitration and litigation for all types of disputes with foreign-related elements, including but not limited to contract, tort, unfair competition, labor and human resources, product quality, anti-monopoly, bankruptcy and liquidation, foreign-related marriages etc.

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