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Real Estate and Construction Engineering Legal Affairs Department

Published: 2017-12-29
Views: 38

Real Estate and Construction Engineering represent the longstanding core business of Zhuojian, and the Real Estate and Construction Engineering Legal Affairs Department is also one of the earliest departments established by Zhuojian. In 2017, Zhuojian carried out a major departmental system reform to further streamline resources. Currently, there are five professional teams under the Real Estate and Construction Engineering Legal Affairs Department, boasting nearly 30 senior lawyers and professionals, mainly providing services for clients in the following legal service areas:

I. Long-term legal consulting services

We offer permanent legal consulting services to various real estate and construction engineering enterprises, providing long-term legal consulting services for urban renewal and other specialized legal services.

Specialized legal services

Specifically including urban renewal and transformation of old cities and villages, demolition and relocation compensation, real estate project due diligence, real estate project mergers and acquisitions, real estate project development, real estate project leasing and sales, real estate project management, large real estate transactions, commercial property operation, assisting in the establishment of property management committees, selecting and replacing property companies, compliance management of construction enterprises, compliance management of decorative enterprises, management of construction engineering projects, claimant of construction project verification, accompanying lawyers in real estate transactions, real estate financing, etc.

All kinds of litigation and arbitration involving real estate and construction projects.

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