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Financial Legal Affairs Department

Published: 2017-12-29
Views: 24

Financial Legal Affairs Department, formerly known as the Financial Guarantee Department, stands as one of the core business departments established earlier by Guangdong Zhuojian Law Firm. At present, the Financial Legal Affairs Department comprises five professional teams of nearly 40 professionals, bringing together a substantial number of lawyers with experience in the financial sector and a robust background in financial law. These professionals are able to utilize their expertise and experience to deliver top-tier legal services to clients. The legal services provided by the Financial Legal Affairs Department include, but are not limited to:

  • Drafting of operating regulations for financial guarantee business

  • Investigation of government loan risk compensation

  • Legal risk control of network lending platform (P2P)

  • Legal risk control of financial guarantee projects

  • Post-investment supervision of financial guarantee projects

  • Investment and financing mediation court affairs

  • Due diligence, liquidation and disposal of non-performing assets

  • Financial consultant for SME financing

  • Private equity fund product filing

  • Private fund manager filing and significant matters change

  • Comprehensive legal consulting for private fund managers in investment, fund raising and operation

  • Investment and financing for private equity fund companies

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